A favorite quote:

Make play a high priority in your life for if you die tomorrow no one can play for you, but someone can and will do your work for you!!!" Ken Beebe (Dr. Play)

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

We gave Andrew a digital camera

CIMG8330 CIMG8269 CIMG8272 CIMG8276 CIMG8279 CIMG8283 CIMG8293 CIMG8295 CIMG8297 CIMG8300 CIMG8302 CIMG8305 CIMG8309 CIMG8311 CIMG8314 Yes, this is me sitting on the pot. The flash was a bit of a surprise.CIMG8316 CIMG8317 CIMG8318 CIMG8323 CIMG8327


K and D in the RV said...

Wow! YOu have the next Ansel Adams! It is so neat to see a viewpoint from his height, and what interests him. We had a good chuckle and what a wonderful post.

Rod Ivers said...


Sue and Doug said...

the angles of a 'child'..all at a three foot level!..good job, Andrew!!..we have missed your posts, Neil!..welcome back!!