A favorite quote:

Make play a high priority in your life for if you die tomorrow no one can play for you, but someone can and will do your work for you!!!" Ken Beebe (Dr. Play)

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Holy Moly Guacamole…

… see what I did there? I rhymed moly with the end of Guacamole, which in turn sounds exactly like moly… does that count?

We had an awesome race today. Nan, Traci and I ran in the Diakonos St Patty’s Day race. It was Nan’s first race she ever trained for, it was Traci’s 4th race and it was my 1 year anniversary of running races. We all did amazing! If you want to read about the race, you can go to my running blog here.

Andrew loves going down to the races as him and Poppop get to hang out while we run. Andrew is growing up so fast. The best part about his development right now is he learned the word yes. After quite a few number of months of NO, now we are getting glorious YES! He does incredibly well at social functions like that too, we love taking him anywhere. OH yeah, we took him downtown the other day when we picked up our race packages and on the way was our favourite Vietnamese Restaurant. We had supper there and Andrew just loved it. He really likes to use the chopsticks too. I pick up the food for him, then he fists the chopsticks and pops the food into his mouth. Mommy doesn’t even use chopsticks.  He had tasty Spring Rolls and Charbroiled Pork.


On the way home we stopped off at Indigo Books, as we figured he would be too tired to just sit at home without throwing a fit, so a distraction stop was in order. He loves it there. We get all the benefit of the toys (the kids are allowed to play) and we don’t have to buy the stuff. There is always other kids there too, so it’s fun and interactive!


Fun stuff indeed.

OH…hehe, the blog title. We got home from the race today, I went over to Poppops to work for a bit, then on the way home I stopped at the grocery store to pick up supper ingredients. I don’t know what came over me, but in the veggie aisle I spotted an Avocado and just picked it up… Now what? well, over to the books to see if I could get a recipe for Guac in one of the cookbooks. *success*. I came home, got supper in the oven and proceeded to make the tastiest Guacamole ever! man was it good. So, today Andrew had his first taste of Guac, and liked it. ALSO, Traci had her first taste of Guac too!!! She never thought it was appealing, but one taste of this stuff I made and she is hooked! yum. Here is the recipe I used.

  1. Avocado, split in half, remove the pit and scoop out the meat into a bowl.
  2. Seed and finely chop up a small Jalepeno and put in bowl
  3. take a 1/4 of a small red onion and chop finely, put in bowl
  4. Slice 2 cloves of garlic into a pile on a cutting board, liberally salt and then mash into a paste with the flat side of a knife.
  5. Squeeze 1/2 a lime into the bowl
  6. mash all ingredients together until somewhat smooth, then enjoy with your chips of choice!

Have a Great week!

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