…for a lot of reasons, not the least of which is the namesake of this blog. Our little Andrew is growing up to be an amazing little boy. We couldn’t be more proud. He is kind and considerate, fun loving, he eats well, he sleeps well. He throws tantrums when you would normally expect a tantrum, and gets over them and forgets them just when he is supposed to. Every day is a joyful day when you get to spend it with Andrew. Some might say the saddest part is he IS growing up, but I say It’s amazing to see all the new things each and every day. Don’t blink though, you’ll be sure to miss something…
Christmas 2007… Christmas 2008…
Christmas 2009…
Seems like yesterday he was new… And now he is a little man, all polite and mischievous…
Yep, like I said, best Christmas ever!
Christmas Eve!
We had a really nice visit over at Poppop and Nans, for a traditional Ukrainian dinner and present opening from them to us, as well as Auntie Ginky (Nicki) and Uncle Dean. The supper was amazing, and for all the complaining Nan got over her *white* cabbage rolls, they were pretty tasty. All I had to do was add some Ketchup and I was fine…
Then presents… oh yes, the presents… You can look back in this blog and see that Andrew LOVES to unwrap presents. He is actually very thorough and efficient at it. there can’t be a strip of paper left on it when he is done. He even hires himself out, he’ll come to your present and unwrap it too!
The prize presents though were the Imaginarium Train Table and the Art Desk. Wow. the Train table is incredible. Andrew has gone over to Indigo Book Store a few times and they have one set up there and loves to play with it, So he got one. As soon as Poppop and I had it set up, he was in there as city manager, shunting trains, shipping loads and moving people just like a pro!
While Poppop and Auntie Ginky were setting up the Art Desk, Andrew figured out that a really bog box is ridiculous fun!
Christmas Day!
Andrew was so tired last night that he slept in until 8:30, about an hour longer than normal. We were ok with that. I had Coffee on when Andrew and Mommy came downstairs and we got started. There is a lot of stuff here for Andrew. While all the stuff is super fun, we are going to limit the stuff for the next time, and if we feel like spending more money on him, we will just put the money in his College fund. (well, we’ll see on his birthday if that actually happens…hehe) So, here is a snapshot of all the snapshots…
Andrew is so appreciative of everything, so… it takes FOREVER to get through everything. And there are the ones that he want to play with NOW too. We had a really fun morning and a FULL day of playing.
Poppop and Nan came over for supper and playtime. We made a turkey, but for the second time in a row I didn’t give the big bird enough time and we had to sit and wait for an extra hour. That sucked, but it was really tasty in the end anyway. Everyone seemed to enjoy it, even Andrew, who had a second helping. Everyone pretty much just sat around after supper as we are all very tired and full of the tryptophan.
That was pretty much it for the day, nothing exciting. Andrew went to bed at 7 and I was going to get started on this blog, but I sat down in the recliner and was out cold for 2 hours. Traci tidied up and did some computer work and now we are sitting in the living room watching tube and blogging. We talked about how this Christmas season seemed to be more Christmassy than past years for some reason. We have lots to be thankful for as we are healthy, have a nice home and supportive families. What more would a person need?
Pic of the Day… Traci’s wonderful Christmas decorating!… It’s like having ‘A Wonderful Life’ right in our living room!
Our Christmas felt more Christmassy too...and I think it's because all the shopping...cooking...presents... are truly meant to be enjoyed through the eyes of a child...and we have some pretty incredible kids to spend this time with...I'm glad your Christmas was such a good one...and I hope that your 2010 is a great year!!! Kiss that boy for me!!!
Merry Christmas and all the best for 2010. Enjoy those years when they are little! Your family pictures are beautiful.
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