A favorite quote:

Make play a high priority in your life for if you die tomorrow no one can play for you, but someone can and will do your work for you!!!" Ken Beebe (Dr. Play)

Saturday, October 31, 2009

A fun Halloween through the eyes of a 2 year old…

… but first a rant.

We haven’t gone for our H1N1 shots yet. Alberta has dropped the proverbial ball on this one. The Province has warned about the pandemic that is H1N1, has advised that we all need to get vaccinated, has offered the vaccine for free, but only have 5 clinics for a City of 1 million people. The next thing that happens is the media buys in and H1N1 related deaths are ALL the news ALL the time! I have to tell you they got to me. We changed Andrews Halloween plans because of all of it. He was supposed to go to a party at Gymboree, but until he is vaccinated, we won’t take the chance. We haven’t gone for the shots because it is a 6-10 hour wait (if you are in line by 6am), then they (without warning) choose a spot in line and tell the people from there that they won’t get their shots this day... After they have waited for 6-10 hours… Fightin words. This is one of the problems with universal health care, You are forced to play by their rules. On top of everything, they ran out of vaccine.

Bottom line. They freak you out with all the warnings, then tell you, quote “this is a 3 month vaccination plan, not a 3 day vaccination plan” Ron Lippert, Alberta Minister of Health.


Instead of dancing and partying with other little kids, we partied at home today.

First things first though. 2 days ago we carved pumpkins. It was a blast. Andrew normally is very timid with his hands as he doesn’t like them getting dirty for too long. Not this time though. He was in to his elbows digging out pumpkin goop.


 The freshly carved pumpkins finish the decorations at the front stoop… CIMG7143

Last night it was Poppop and Nans turn. Andrew hasn’t been feeling too well lately so they came over here, pumpkins in hand and Andrew showed them what he learned the night before. CIMG7153

I got a MUFFIN!!!CIMG7154

Back to the Halloween PARTY!! We got up pretty late (8am) and made some breakfast. I think Andrew was too excited for the party, that he didn’t feel like eating too much. Except for the chocolate caramel ball that he thoroughly enjoyed… CIMG7187

After breakfast we marched. I have the Kazoo and he has the flute whistle and we march! He is really good at it, he imagines he is in a parade because as we walk past mommy, he waves and says “Hi Mommy!” CIMG7173 

Once we were done marching, it was music time. He has a whole bin of musical instruments and he understands them all! CIMG7179

Today he brought out his Key-tar and was rocking out on it, so I decided to finally bring out the real guitar. I have been avoiding showing it to him as I didn’t think he was ready for it. He was. He took my pick and very gently and musically started to strum the guitar. He has been playing guitar for 7 minutes now and he is already better than me… LOL. CIMG7184

That was a LOT of fun. We just hung around for a couple hours after that, reading and playing, until it was time to dress up and go show off to Auntie Nicky, or Auntie Ginky as Andrew says, and then go over to Poppop and Nans to Trick or Treat around their cul-de-sac.

I am SUPER CUTE! wooowheeee….CIMG7189

Thanks Uncle Dean and Auntie Ginky…CIMG7197

Come on Poppop and Nan, I am READY for all the candy! CIMG7206

1 house down and a bunch to go! Lets GO… sugarhighsugarhighsugarhigh!!! CIMG7209

After a couple hours of super fun, we came home for some supper and a little bit more candy scavenging at our neighbours houses and then we were in for the evening while the rest of the neighbourhood came to our door. At 8pm we blew out the candles in the pumpkins, turned out the lights and took Andrew upstairs to bed. Normally he fusses for a 1/2 hour or so. He was out in approx 1 minute. Poor guy was totally wiped.

Our plans changed due to the H1N1 scare, however I think Andrew enjoyed it just as much, and I know we did… Goodnight now…

Pic of the day… the boy with the lollipop is ready for work… IMG_6982

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